Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Let me introduce me...

I was waiting between classes in one of the IST lobbies and, as usual, passed the time by mindlessly reading a posting board.  There, I saw Dr. Tapia’s poster explaining all the benefits of taking IST 445H.  I won’t say that the post jump out and slapped me right back into focus.  However, the words “FREE TRIP TO WASHINGTON DC!” could catch the attention of even the most mindless gaze.  So upon re-reading and careful scrutinizing, because nothing at Penn State is free, I learned that this program was unique.  I guess the aspect I found most interesting is the course’s interdisciplinary appeal and wide spectrum of observation on policy making.

I’m usually fairly friendly so if you see me around say hello.  However, be sure to introduce yourself if I don’t know you already, since I will definitely wreck myself mentally trying to figure out who you are.  Between studying International Politics, DJing, and being around here for so long, more people tend to know me than I can recognize.  I also enjoy ultralight backpacking and running.  I’m actually attempting to survive a Spartan Race fairly soon, just for a harsh reality check.

My wedding DJ gigs have definitely taught me to enjoy a variety of music styles.  I went to Bonnaroo last year on impulse, which is a music festival down in Tennessee.  I enjoyed the music, which featured everything from GWAR to Blues Traveler, but did not enjoy the heat.  Coming from Rhode Island, I am used to much more temperate weather.  However, State College’s sporadic weather is fixed on kicking that out of me.

My focus and interest is National Security.  I’m especially interested in the intelligence community.  However, where I belong in that broad field is still being decided.  I currently work as a consultant in Business Intelligence/Competitive Intelligence, which has given me a perspective on industry and business that normally would have been hidden to me.  That experience brought me to start my own club focusing on investments in innovative technology that would have a footprint in impoverished countries.  The idea was to create sustainable change through market based practices.  To this day, this is something that I still feel is possible and not nearly researched enough.

I’ve participated in Lincoln Douglass debate, tennis, golf, and hiking clubs back in high school.  During the short time I was there, I reinstated Penn State York’s Model United Nations and served as a short term President.  Currently, I am not in any organizations or clubs.  Work and class has taken up much of my available time, however I’m still searching for the right cause to devote my attention.